Community Education

You may use one of the following payment options to pay for your child care services:

1. Check/Cash

2. Swipe a card at the check in/out station in our room

3. Sign up for Tuition Express Automatic Withdrawal (this allows us to withdraw your amount due from your account on billing day).

4. Sign up for Myprocare.com

To sign up for a Tuition Express option, please contact Duvae Otte at 507-645-4773 ext. 209 or email otted@district195.org.

RCC on Non-school Days

Randolph Child Care is open on most non-school days. 

Children will need a cold lunch on these days. 

We also ask that your child is dressed appropriately for gym and outside play.

RCC will provide breakfast to children that are here by 8:00 a.m.

We will also provide a morning and an afternoon snack.

Please be sure that your calendars are turned in each month so that we may plan accordingly.


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