Welcome to my webpage.
Welcome to my Speech Website. My name is Janet Bealles and I am Randolph's school speech clinician. I work with students from birth to 21. I received my Bachelors Degree in Communication Disorders at the University of Northern Iowa and I received my Masters Degree in Communication Disorders at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls. I enjoy working with my students to develop their articulation and language skills. I try to make my "speech time" fun, using a variety of games, technology, and other educational activities. When not at work, I enjoy time at home with my family. I am a mother of two teenage boys which keeps me very busy.
Contact me at beallesj@district195.org or call me at (507)645-4773 ext. 215.

This school year, I have a student intern from Minnesota State University, Mankato. Her name is Whitney Sannes. She will be working with all students who receive speech and language services at Randolph until the middle of December.
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