Welcome to Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS)! My name is Amy Burke and this will be my 8th year at Randolph. I graduated from NDSU with a bachelor degree in Family and Consumer Sciences. I recently went back to school in St. Paul at Concordia to receive my special education license and I am also a special education teacher at Randolph. I also received my Masters degree at Concordia in Education with an emphasis in Special Education. I enjoy learning and hopefully bring that to my classroom!
My classes explore life skills, learning everyday skills that each student will need to be a successful and contributing person in this world! I want my students to have a sense of responsibility and independence when leaving my classes at the end of the quarter or semester.
You may reach me via email at burkea@district195.org
My website: Click on your child's class on the left hand side of my site and this will bring you to their class. I will not post every thing here because I do a lot of in class work instead of focusing on homework I want to incorporate as much hands on experience as possible. So I will be putting up test dates and projects as well as incorporating pictures if warranted. If you have any questions please contact me!
Schoolview: Please check school view for your students grades, if you or your child has questions I would like your child to ask me about it since it is their grade but feel free to email me any questions as well.
Email: burkea@district195.org
Phone: 1-507-645-4773 Ext. 243
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