Welcome to Randolph High School Social Studies. On this page you will be able to see assignments, test dates, and any other important date in relation to Randolph Public Schools.
My class schedule is as follows:
1st Hour 8:05-8:50 11th Grade US History
2nd Hour 8:53-9:38 10th Grade World History
3rd Hour 9:41-10:26 10th Grade World History
4th Hour 10:29-11:14 12th Grade Psychology/Economics
5th Hour 11:17-12:02 Senior High Study Hall
Lunch 12:05-12:24
6th Hour 12:27-1:14 11th Grade US History
7th Hour 1:17-2:02 12th Grade Psychology/Economics
8th Hour 2:05-2:50 Prep
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at qualeyr@district195.org, or call during my prep hour at (507)263-2151 ext. 246.
Have a great day,
Rich Qualey