Hello and welcome to 7th through 9th grade social studies! My name is Braxton Lindow and this is my first year teaching in Randolph. I will be teaching 7th Grade Geography, 8th Grade US History, and 9th Grade Civics. I am looking forward to a great year!
Please feel free to contact me via email at lindowb@district195.org with any questions or concerns that you have.
Geography: Class Playlist due Thursday, Letter of Introduction due Monday
History: Class Playlist due Thursday, Letter of Introduction due Monday
Civics: Class Playlist due Thursday, Letter of Introduction due Monday
Mr. Lindow's Schedule
Period 1-7th Grade Geography
Period 2-9th Grade Civics
Period 3-Prep
Period 4-9th Grade Civics
Period 5-8th Grade US History
Period 6-8th Grade US History
Period 7-7th Grade Geography
Period 8-Study Hall Supervision
All assignments and grades are posted on Infinite Campus. When work is assigned the date will be posted as work in progress. When the assignment is graded it will either be posted as graded or not turned in.
It is my goal to help you develop into responsible young men and women, so it is very important to make sure all assignments are turned in on time. The ability to work to meet deadlines is a very important life skill to learn and will be developed in this class. Unless prior arrangements have been made, for each day an assignment is late, a letter grade will be taken off of the student’s final score.
We also watch CNN 10 each day with a quiz at the end of each week. If student is absent they may click on the link below to watch archived shows.
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