Welcome to Randolph Mathematics
Our mission this year is to guide you through the wonderful world of Math. It will not be easy at times, but we will work together on this journey. It takes hard work and practice just as you would if you are playing a sport. That practice is done in the form of homework, quizzes and tests. In order to be really good at math you ask questions, in order to grow and learn from mistakes.
I am here to help you before school every morning at 7:30 and will remain here for help until at least 3:30. Please make sure you come in as soon as you are "lost" so we can make sure you are "found" and can continue on our path together.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Just remember, the more you put into it the , more you will get out of it.
We will be using Google classroom this year. This will be where assignments and upcoming tasks will be posted. If you are absent any day, this will also be the place to look for notes. Please see the classes on the right to locate the Google classroom for the individual course.
"Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty."
Bertrand Russell
"For the things of this world cannot be made known without a knowledge of mathematics."
Roger Bacon
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