Physical Education Class Expectations 2014-2015 School Year
1. Students are expected to dress daily in a shirt, shorts or sweats and have the appropriate footwear for the activity, mainly tennis shoes.This attire must be other than daily dress for school.
2. Please keep your clothes clean and wash them on a regular basis.
3. You will be issued a school lock and are responsible for it. Locks from home will be cut off and discarded. Remember your combination.
4. Students are expected to dress and participate daily. Not dressing is a zero for the day. Excused not dressing must be accompanied by a written and dated note from either a parent, guardian, athletic trainer or doctor.
5. Daily grading will be based on a 0-5 scale based on participation.
6. If you miss class and are not out for a seasonal sport, 30 minutes of activity time are required for that days grade. Parents need to sign off and you will be given a slip upon your return. You have two days for each day absent. Students in seasonal sports will be exempt.
7. Be under control at all times! If you are not you may be asked to sit out and daily points will be deducted.
8. Taunting, harassment and usage of foul language will not be tolerated in class or the locker room. Daily point deduction will be the result.
9. Get to class on time, a third tardy may result in detention assigned. After class stay in the locker room area until the bell rings.