Art Department
Figure and Portrait Drawing

Using techniques such as contour and gesture drawing we will begin to develop drawings of the figure within an interior space as well as creative portrait and self-portrait drawings.

Semester Goals

During this semester we will be exploring different media, such as drawing with graphite and charcoal, painting, ceramics and mixed-media mask making.  As a foundation we will explore a variety of methods of drawing, including an introduction to advanced natural drawing techniques such as gesture drawing and contour drawing as well as still life drawing.   

We will be working extensively with clay during the second half of the semester.



Drawing with Creative Line

Line can be used in infinite ways to create movement and infuse the artwork with an individuals personality.  Each line has a quality or personality all its own, much like a fingerprint.  Each choice of line will help determine the overall effect of the artwork.  Lines can also vary in width, which, along with the number of lines, will help indicate the value differences.

Gesture Drawing

Gesture drawing is a form of drawing in which the artist intuitively and from direct observation quickly represents the subject with very loose use of line and value.   Gesture drawing is a great way to warm up and become very natural with your drawing technique.

Using Value to Create Form

Value is the many gradations from white to black and can be used to help indicate the three dimensional qualities (form) of figures and objects.  It can also be used to create shadows and help bring objects forward in the picture plane (make them "pop")  and can also be used to help create an illusion of receding space. 

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