Mixed-Media Art
Goals: To explore visual design through aesthetic, historical and critical contexts & apply these criteria to experimentation of personal imagery and production of meaningful works of art.
Daily Performance---------------------------------------------------------------------------30%
Homework (drawings, essays, worksheets, etc.)---------------------------------------20%
Occasionally I will allow certain studio projects to go beyond the actual class work time to allow people to put finishing touches on this work. This work must be turned in by set deadline as stated in class.
Attendance Policy
To receive the daily performance points it is necessary for the student to be in the class. If the student has an excused absence it is up to that student to arrange with the teacher, at an appropriate time, make up points. Unexcused absences may not be made up.
Make-up Work
All make-up work must be handed in within two days for each day out (for in class assignments or homework). If a student has a due assignment and they know they will be out of class, it should be handed in prior to the absence.
Ø Create works of art that are meaningful using relevant skills that are applicable
Ø Engage in dialogue, both verbal, written and visual, that furthers the exploration of art and its meanings
We will be working in a variety of media and engage in class discussions. For the class to be enjoyable and productive for everyone, it is necessary to participate with a positive attitude and be respectful of everyone’s opinions. Healthy debates can be fun and productive, but they must remain respectful.
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